Michelle Schneidermann, 

MD & Director of California Health Care Foundation’s Advancing People-Centered Care Team

Dr. Michelle Schneidermann is an internal medicine doctor and director of the California Health Care Foundation’s Advancing People-Centered Care team, which works to ensure that Californians, particularly those enrolled in Medi-Cal, receive responsive, comprehensive, and coordinated care that supports their health and well-being. She leads CHCF’s efforts in several areas, including improving care for people experiencing homelessness. Before joining CHCF, Michelle was a medical director at Alameda Alliance for Health. She led efforts to partner with the Alameda County Health Care Services Agency and community providers to build and expand programs such as the Healthy Homes Program and Whole Person Care. Before that, Michelle spent more than 14 years as a clinical professor and physician leader at UCSF. In addition to being a primary care doctor and hospitalist at San Francisco General Hospital, she led the hospital’s High User Care Management Program and the city’s Medical Respite and Sobering Center. She currently serves as a commissioner for Alameda County Health Care for the Homeless, a program of the Alameda County Health Care Services Agency. (for photos, please see shared drive Website Content Outline



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